Monday, June 9, 2008

The Yellow Wall Paper

    While reading the Yellow wall paper, I suddenly began to paint a picture of all fo the images that I saw. The more I read into the story, I began to focus on a major theme, that seemed to stick out to me. The theme was female imprisonment, I felt this was because the way that John seems to imprison the narrator into a sort of domestic prison like environment. Just as the narrator sees the woman behind the wallpaper imprisoned. I feel that this idea come from the stereotype in which women are only expected to clean house and take care of the children, the narrator seems trapped within her prison like room, in this lovely mansion. The room she is in is barred away from everything else in the house, which relates to the idea of women feeling like "outsiders."
        Another reason I feel this theme is major is because John, her husband never really seems to take her attacks seriously and always has to give her what he feels is the right prescription to her illness. John, never seems to let her handle thing son her own and try to figure out what is really going on. This relates to the stereotypical male, who believes that a woman can not handle decisions by herself and that they need a mans help for everything. The more I read into the story, I felt the idea of male dominance kept playing a major role. On another note, the ending of the story, I am not exactly in love with, I feel that by John passing out and her going crazy, was a very unique way of ending this short story, but as a whoel, this story was very interesting. 

1 comment:

koroma said...

I agree with you that its a theme or imprisonment, however i disagree that it is female imprisonment, just because the protagonist is female and trapped. i feel that it is a story about being trapped in general being male or female, because the protagoinst is crazy anyways so she could be a man thinking she/he is woman, and she could be in an annylum thinking its a house where in her husband could really be the doctor, argument is that the protagonist is insane